Well he did it again, Dad took me and Abby out in the rain last night. But it was not just in the yard for business work. We got to go for a nice ride, I got to see the pretty red lights from all the cars. Dad said something about the NASCAR traffic from the Las Vegas Motor Speedway. Well it was not raining as much as the other day, but, DAD please, you seem much smarter. I mean, I know you are a guy, and I have seen some old pictures so we all know you HAD Blonde hair at one time dad. Well Cesar says we need to be consistent with our commands when speaking to each other. I need to watch that show more often, (hint hint dad).
We went to The District and we all tried to stay under the umbrella but there sooo many butts to sniff and faces to lick that I did get a little wet. We met many very nice Pugs and their humans. There was one new pug there named
Tinker Belle. She is a pretty little girl. Dad didn't want to take the camera out in the rain so I hope, ( Oh that's me) the link works. She should be on the
SNPR adoption page soon. She is looking for one of those forever homes like I got with dad & mom. Those humans at
SNPR oh sooo nice to Pugs in need like I was on that dreadful day I was found abandoned. They also take in surrenders from people who can no longer keep their Pug. They depend on donations from caring humans like those reading my blog, (ok dad helps). Well I am tired as you can see so I will blog ya later.